Thank you for supporting Misfits. I know there has been some changes this past week staff wise.

 Please be assured the league is strong and is going to keep going. This decision on the staff that was removed

was not an immediate decision there were things going on for a while and last weeks incident just led to

the final decision of removal. There is only one Facebook group for the league and it is Misfits Gaming League

and the Facebook Messenger group is the Misfits League if you have any questions, please let me know.

Yes, we do know there is another page and messenger that was the old one. Also starting the weekend of

September 24th there is double points for the tour wins. A good way to earn more points to get the gift cards.

Rank advance tours will be put at the top of the home page each Sunday for the next week.

We appreciate all of you for supporting the Misfits and we will get through the rough times and come back stronger.

If anyone harasses you about being in league, please do not hesitate to contact me or any other upper staff member.

Thank you The Upper Admin Staff.